
Meetings for NKAD are held from 7 - 9 p.m. during the months of October, November, January, February, and March at area member schools. Classroom visitations will be held from 6:30 to 7 p.m. All NKAD training is quality assured by DIEEC to help early childhood professionals meet or exceed their staff development requirements.

Certificates for two (2) training hours will be provided to individuals at the end of the presentation, making it possible for members to earn a total of 10 training hours each year. All attendees must register for training by clicking on the link below each training listing. Directors may register multiple staff members or individuals may register themselves. Anyone attending the training without pre-registering will be asked to fill out a form at the sign in table. Those pre-registered will receive credit on his/her DIEEC transcript at the conclusion of the training. If you have any difficulty registering, please contact DIEEC at (302) 831-3239.

Non-members of NKAD may attend meetings at $10 per meeting. Non-members may register for a meeting by clicking on the link below the training.


If you do not receive credit for a course offered with NKAD, please contact DIEEC, Kelly Cox @ (302) 831-3239.