
Mission Statement

NKAD is best summarized by its mission statement:

A professional organization for early childhood centers dedicated to maintaining high educational standards for young children.

NKAD promotes high quality programming and education among its member schools. The minimum standards developed by NKAD are periodically revised to reflect new research in early childhood education and to meet the developmental needs of young children in today's society.


The Nursery-Kindergarten Association of Delaware (as NKAD was originally known) was formed in 1963 to provide an opportunity for idea exchange among teachers of young children and to promote high quality standards among preschools that were exempt from state licensing. Since that time, membership in NKAD has grown, and its purpose has grown as well.

Today, NKAD continues to serve as an organization in which its members can participate in the sharing of ideas and/or concerns. Membership is open to all centers and individuals who are interested in improving the standards of early childhood education.

Multiple professional meetings are held during each school year at member schools throughout Delaware to provide an opportunity for professional growth and development. Speakers, topics, and activities are varied, with training topics derived from member suggestions and ideas. Training is approved by DIEEC and meets the staff development requirements for child care staff.